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063 - 2 Seats in 2 Days

063 - 2 Seats in 2 Days


In just two days, on March 2, Israel will hold its third election in one year’s time. Israel has a multi-party system based on coalition governments. If a party wins 61 seats in an election, then it can form a viable government without needing to form a coalition. However, this has never yet happened in Israel’s history. Therefore, after an election, the leading party is given up to 42 days to negotiate with different parties and to present his or her government to the Knesset for approval. Currently, it is estimated that PM Netanyahu has 59 of the 61 seats he will need to lead Israel into this next crucial season of history. 

As we shared with you in The Briefing 061 , we recently received a profound dream associating the here and now with the “Times of Truman”. This has given us the confidence that President Trump’s bold endeavor to aid and affirm Prime Minister Netanyahu in annexing key areas of Judea and Samaria is in keeping with God’s biblically prophesied purposes for His people. This process is reminiscent of President Truman’s political posture of intercession in recognizing the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948. As expressed throughout scripture, God does not only set certain seasons (Daniel 2:21), but he also appoints specific people to do His bidding, as he did historically with King Cyrus (Isaiah 45). Therefore, these are not times to be passive in prayer, but rather to stand in the gap and pray forth the revealed purposes of God until they are fully manifest. 

1) Pray for the two additional seats that are needed to allow Prime Minister Netanyahu to form a viable government. Pray that this government of fallible men and women will be used of God to enact justice and righteousness in alignment with His strategic purposes.

2) Pray for David Friedman, the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, and the other American and Israeli leaders who are meticulously mapping out the cities and areas that will be annexed. Intercede for heavenly wisdom and discernment to override human understanding. 

3) Continue to decree the removal of every “mountain” that stands in opposition to God’s agenda for Israel and its people in this time. As we know, each seat of government that is about to be established will hold sway over significant matters. May the saints of God rule and reign in prayer over every position of earthly influence (1 Tim 2:1-2). 

It is truly remarkable to us that the upcoming election, the forming of a coalition government and the mapping of strategic territories in the most significant nation of the earth will all be taking place during an unprecedented global fast from March 1st - April 9th. Tens of thousands of Christians will be focusing together in prayer. Surely this is a crowning moment, not just for Israel, but for God’s people to rise up and take our seats in heavenly places.

064 - The Art of War

064 - The Art of War

062 - For Zion's Sake

062 - For Zion's Sake