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067 - Esther Fast Day 3

067 - Esther Fast Day 3


Letter from the Editor
Today’s briefing is a special guide to help synchronize the prayers of all who have entered this 3-Day Esther Fast with The Briefing and The Jesus Fast Global. Thank you for joining with us as we seek to stand together in the gap of history. 

- Cheryl Amabile

Esther Fast Day 3

Today is the third day of the Esther Fast. Thousands have been joining, humbling themselves, and consecrating their lives to God. And now, on this third day, we, like Esther, will clothe ourselves in the royal robes of Christ’s righteousness and come before the throne of the Majesty on High. He will stretch forth His scepter of favor. We will arise as a corporate Ekklesia across the globe to stand, resist, and rebuke this Coronavirus in Jesus’ mighty name! 

We want to personally thank all of you who have been with us on this fast. We believe that, like Esther, you were chosen for this moment to actually stand and save tens of thousands of lives. We believe that the Father declares over you, “You are highly esteemed in heaven.”


We want to be very practical in this moment, giving what we sense are prophetic guidelines to release these prayers of faith and decrees effectively. 

  1. We would encourage you to pray not just individually, but with two or three gathered together if you can. Begin your time before the Lord, praising and worshiping the One who is being praised this moment by myriads of angels and ten thousands of ten thousands around the throne. You are actually now a part of that cosmic prayer meeting. Praise the One who is the unchallenged Sovereign of the Universe. Be strengthened with Psalm 8:2, that out of the mouths of babes and infants God has ordained praise to silence the foe and the avenger.

  2. When the angel of death in the book of Exodus was visiting home by home and killing the firstborn of Egypt, the Israelites were commanded to take the blood of a pure lamb and sprinkle it on the doorposts of their homes. We sense that everyone praying should, first of all, plead the blood of Jesus Christ over yourselves, your prayer group, and your families for spiritual covering and protection from the enemy.

  3. Clothe yourself in the robes of Christ’s righteousness. You’ve confessed your sin, you’ve consecrated your life afresh to God, you’ve abandoned your idols, and now throw off all shame. Let us proclaim, in accordance with 2 Cor. 5:21, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!” Declare, from Ephesians, “I am now seated at the right hand of God with Christ Jesus, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion.” 

  4. Now take your seat by faith with the Ekklesia around the world and join in that heavenly throne room where God rules over the affairs of the earth. There, standing with our great advocate and mediator between God and man, Jesus Christ, confess your sins and the sins of your nations like Daniel in Daniel 9, and ask for God’s verdict of mercy over the nations. Then claim by faith the power of that atoning blood that speaks better than the blood of Abel. Having done these things now, we will release the decrees of heaven and stretch out the rod of Christ’s authority and rule in the midst of our enemies against this Coronavirus!



Here we want to make sure that we are not railing against principalities and powers, or shouting arrogantly and presumptuously at them. That is unbiblical and dangerous. In this section, we want to make Biblical decrees with the authority of God’s Word behind them. We will begin by seeing ourselves clothed in the righteousness of Christ and, before each following decree, declare, “We stand in the victory of Christ and His authority.”

  1. When the storm arose on the Sea of Galilee (Mark 4:37) to keep Jesus from crossing over to release the Gerasene demoniac, Jesus rebuked the storm and said, “Peace! Be still!” Brothers and sisters around the world, now let’s release that decree, that command, in the face of the plague and speak to it, “Peace be still!”

  2. The Bible says to “Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). You have submitted yourself to God, now stand and declare, “We resist you, Coronavirus, you must flee in the name of Jesus Christ who has all authority over heaven and earth.”

  3. When a plague broke out and the Angel of Death was slaying thousands because of David’s sin, God spoke to that angel, “Enough! Restrain your hand” (2 Sam. 24:16). Brothers and sisters, in your prayers, begin to declare this very decree of faith, “Enough, Coronavirus! Restrain your hand!” 

  4. This panic that is seizing the nations is not from God, for God has not given us a spirit of fear. This panic is demonic. Take your stand, renounce fear in your life, and then speak to this spirit of fear, “In the name of Jesus, we join in global corporate agreement and rebuke this spirit of fear who is tormenting the inhabitants of the earth.” 

  5. Finally, Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them” (Matt. 18:20), and, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matt. 16:19). Declare this, “As the corporate Ekklesia around the globe, covered in the blood of Jesus, and clothed in His authority, we bind this plague and command it to abate and bow at the feet of Jesus in the name of Jesus!”

Do not judge by what your eyes see immediately. Hold your stand of faith until we see the manifestation of these decrees. 

  1. Pray for families whose loved ones have died or are suffering from the virus now. Pray that their hearts would turn to God.

  2. Pray for an unprecedented release of signs, wonders, and miracles of healing through the Body of Christ.

  3. Begin praying that a vaccine will be discovered quickly and supernaturally. Pray for the health organizations, medical workers, and first responders.

  4. Pray that the harvest will be so ripened by this shaking that millions around the world will be prepared to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

  5. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to ekballo laborers by the thousands into the ripened fields.

  6. Pray for governmental leaders to have wisdom. 

  7. Pray this crisis will bring forth unity where there has been such division.


  1. Praise the Lord for His mighty acts, for his great mercy, his mighty acts of deliverance, and his unfailing love.

Now, the 40-day fast continues. Let’s see it to the end! Chuck Pierce, a great prophet, prophesied at the end of 2019 that a great plague would come and we would experience it through Passover, April 9th. Amazing! It’s the day our fast ends.

068 - The Great Communion Revival

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066 - Response to the Coronavirus

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