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069 - The Unveiling

069 - The Unveiling


Announcement: Thursday, April 9th at 12 noon Mountain Time, join us on Facebook Live as we end our fast together with a corporate online Communion service!

Until a few days ago, we were planning to break our fast with Communion on Thursday evening, like everyone else, in the solitude of our little Airbnb where we’ve been quarantined (in the truest sense of the word) together. Then, we received the following dream from Lou’s son Josiah:

In the dream, Lou was going to address the nation on April 9th. Josiah couldn’t recall if it was over the news, or in a movie, or how this would happen. However, he saw Lou discussing it with our team. Lou knew he had one chance to address the people, so he asked, “What do I tell the nation?” One of our team members answered, “Show them the broken bread (as in Communion), that is the buster (as in blockbuster)!”


We prayed and pondered this dream throughout the day. Then, later that night, Chris Berglund dreamed we were given two red passes to see a “world premier.” He knew the passes were not just for individuals but for entire groups. 

Our first thought about Chris’ dream was that the red passes had to do with Passover and the blood of the Lamb. Then, as we processed these dreams together, considering the imagery of both a blockbuster movie and a world premiere, we were suddenly all struck with the same revelation. We just knew that these dreams were connected to an epic dream that our friend Dean Briggs had several years before co-authoring The Jesus Fast with Lou Engle. His dream was published in The Briefing 055 - 2020 Vision, but is worth sharing again. Here it is, along with a brief explanation from our past post:

In Dean’s dream, he was an engineer who was on a mission to detonate an atomic bomb that was surrounded by fire. He had to pass through the fire to set off the bomb. When he did, a massive mushroom cloud filled the sky. Then, the sky was suddenly filled with a panoramic movie screen that all the world could see. The screen was displaying the story of the gospel as if it were being told by God himself. Dean understood that the window of time to respond to the truth was now very short. Next in the dream, he heard Mike Bickle announce, “Everything is about to change, and we must be prepared! This is the beginning of the ‘Billion Soul Harvest!’” As the vision faded, Dean ran into a shell-shocked young man who readily received the gospel. Others came by and many of them were also eager to receive Christ. As the dream ended, signs, wonders and miracles were breaking out everywhere. The anointing to save, heal and deliver was following even the simplest preaching of the gospel. Dean woke from the dream at exactly 3:16 am. He sensed in his spirit that the time on the clock was indicating John 3:16.

When Dean initially had this dream he did not understand the symbolism of the atomic bomb. It wasn’t until years later, in the context of hearing Lou’s prophetic history, that he learned of Franklin Hall’s teachings in the 1940’s which compared the spiritual power of the 40-day water fast with the natural power of the atomic bomb. Both Dean and Lou were awestruck as Dean suddenly recalled his dream in the middle of their book project on the 40-day fast.


In reality, we’ve been on multiple 40-day fasts over the past twenty-something years. Also, Lou and others on our team have done several extended water fasts throughout this timeframe (read more here).  However, never before have we sensed, as we do NOW, that the atomic bomb of the 40-day water fast is truly being detonated on a global scale! The present pandemic, which has created a crisis across the earth, could well be the threatening fire depicted in Dean’s dream. Even Mike Bickle’s words, “everything is about to change,” seem to have come to pass in recent weeks in a way that few could ever have imagined. It has affirmed our belief that we have come to “...the beginning of the ‘Billion Soul Harvest!’” 

So, as we pondered Josiah’s and Chris’ dreams, what struck us was their connection with the part in Dean’s dream about “a panoramic movie screen that all the world could see!” If the breaking of the bread is the “buster,” or “blockbuster,” then could it be that when we finish the 40-day fast with Communion, the very act itself could be a prophetic moment in which we appropriate the power of the broken body of Christ to break open something in the heavens for the gospel to be seen as never before? In response to Josiah’s dream, we felt we must "address the nation” and break the bread together online. 

We are reminded of Luke 24 and what happened on the road to Emmaus. The disciples walking with Jesus after his resurrection did not perceive it was Him. Luke explains that it wasn’t until Jesus sat down at the table with them and broke the bread that their eyes were opened. A few verses later he explains again, “He was recognized by them in the breaking of the bread (Luke 24:35).” We believe God is using these dreams and scriptures to envision us for what he's about to do at this time - a great unveiling of His Son! As it was said on Passover 2000 years ago, when Pilate presented the broken and bleeding body of Jesus, let it be said once again, "Behold, the Man!" (John 19:5) 

What would it mean for the global Church if we were to see the Lord with fresh revelation that shatters our religious boxes and causes our hearts to burn within us? What about the Jews in their homeland and across the earth, whose eyes are still darkened to the light of their Messiah? Could we be on the verge of experiencing what Dean did in his dream, when the simplest preaching of the gospel falls on the hearts of men and women who now have eyes to see the beauty of Christ?

We have been captured recently with the words of Isaiah: “...The Lord of hosts will make for all people a feast of choice pieces, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of well-refined wines on the lees. And He will destroy on this mountain the surface of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations. - Isaiah 25:6-7 

Truly the Father has set a feast for us at the Communion table. This week, perhaps more than ever before in history, His family on the earth is partaking of Jesus’ broken body and spilled blood together as one. Meanwhile, tens of thousands are emerging from the wilderness of fasting. When Jesus had gone 40 days without food, he was tempted by Satan to turn stones into bread. He answered, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God (Matt 4:4).” This Thursday, as we join with Him and with one another at the table, we are expectant of both. We believe that God desires to destroy “the veil that is spread over all nations” by decreeing through us the very words of prayer and proclamations that He has given us by revelation. It is staggering to see how He partners with and through His people to accomplish His glorious will!

So, this Thursday, April 9th, which is the first day of Passover, please join us at 12 noon Mountain Time on Facebook (at Lou Engle Ministries page) for a live 30-40 minute Communion experience together. We’re gathering early so all of Europe can join us. Let’s do the dream and believe for a blockbuster event in the spirit that opens up a mass beholding of the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!   



068 - The Great Communion Revival

068 - The Great Communion Revival