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071 - Reverse and Recover

071 - Reverse and Recover


Letter From the Editor
Dear Friends, 
Oftentimes both God and the enemy are riding in the same storm. We have seen this in the global tempest surrounding the coronavirus. While the Lord has been much at work in and through His people during these months of quarantine, the enemy has been wreaking havoc wherever he can. We can’t afford to take the good with the bad. Today’s briefing presents a profound series of recent dreams and prophetic words from multiple sources that resonate with the same message: it’s time to reverse the effects of this pandemic and recover what has been stolen! Please read and test the prophetic data below. But, let’s not just be encouraged, let’s be provoked to take our stand in the heavenly throne room and give voice to the prayers and decrees of the Lord.

-- Cheryl Amabile

Reverse and Recover

Several weeks ago, our friend Chris Berglund had three significant dreams three nights in a row. In his first dream, Chris was flying around the world visiting prayer groups and underground church meetings in North Korea, South Korea and other nations. God’s people were praying everywhere he went, but still he sensed fear across the face of the earth. 

The following night, Chris dreamed he was flying around the world again, but this time he was seeing revival and awakening all across the globe. He was aware that President Trump was opening up stadiums again and they were being filled with evangelistic gatherings. Throughout the dream, Chris heard a voice reading Isaiah 32. 

Behold, a king will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule in justice. Each will be like a hiding place from the wind, a shelter from the storm...” (Is 32:1-2) 

On the third night, Chris dreamed that he saw a banner which said, “COVID-19.” In the dream the Lord asked him, “What do you see?” Chris knew he was being asked to see it in reverse. So, he answered, “I see Psalm 91 - Delegated Iron Victory Of Cross,” Then he added, "Divine Intelligence Voice Over Continents.”


We believe that seeing COVID-19 in reverse is to see with the eyes of faith how the Lord wants to reverse the negative effects that this virus has had on our lives and nations. Psalm 91 is a proclamation of the protection and favor of the Lord granted to those who take refuge in Him. It specifically addresses pestilence and plague. It also models the power of righteous decrees:  I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. V.2  Interestingly, this passage is also one of the key scripture verses that inspired our nation’s motto “In God We Trust” and therefore appears on all American currency. Let’s make this motto famous again as we exalt the God of Psalm 91 over our nation and over our economy. 

The phrase “Delegated Iron” indicates the rod of authority that the Father has delegated to His Son (as seen in Psalm 2) and likewise to the ekklesia through His Son (Rev 2). The “Victory Of the Cross” is, of course, where Jesus’ not only gained for us dominion over sin, sickness and Satan, but he purchased for us the very right to be called sons of God and to reign with Him upon the earth (Rev 5:9-10). This goes beyond the implications of Psalm 91 where we not only appropriate God’s covenantal blessings for ourselves and our families, but we execute the rod of His kingdom over peoples, nations and continents. 

He who overcomes, and he who keeps My deeds until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations; and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to pieces, as I also have received authority from My Father;  Rev 2:26-27

To really see things turn around, the other phrase from Chris’ dream is also key: “Divine Intelligence Voice Over Continents.” The continents, along with the powers in heavenly realms, are going to need to hear the voice of God resounding through His people. We believe this happens when we speak and decree through living faith that is born of divine revelation. Often that faith is established in us through the confirming testimony of two or three witnesses.

Recently, our friend Will Ford gave a very stirring prophetic exhortation on a broadcast hosted by Cindy Jacobs on April 30th. It very much resonated with the message of Chris’ dreams. Cindy had invited Lou, Chris, Matt Lockett, Will and a few others to join her on Facebook live to discuss the coming Communion Revival. Will told how just a few days earlier he was awakened at three o’clock in the morning with four words: “Pursue, Overtake, Recover all.” He went on to share what he sensed the Lord showing him:

“I feel that the first four months after we leave the quarantine we are to pursue the Lord. And at Pentecost, God is going to pursue us. It’s going to be an epic Pentecost! 1 Samuel 30:8 Then, overtake! From August through December it’s time to war like we’ve never warred before for the future and destinies of all of our nations - politically, economically and every other way. It’s time to overtake what the enemy has tried to overthrow. Then, those next four months, RECOVER ALL! We’re going to be in a season of recovery like we’ve never seen before. Economic recovery back to where we were before and then some.”

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One week after Will released this prophecy, some of the very same words echoed through the Rose Garden on the White House grounds. On May 7th, during the 2020 National Day of Prayer ceremony, Paula White, head of the White House's Faith and Opportunity Initiative, addressed President Trump directly and prophesied: 

“President, one last word... Like David who had had victory after victory after victory after victory, would face his biggest battle, it was called Ziklag, and they would take his wives and his children and the city would be burned down and he cried and he wept and he began to cry to God and God gave him a word. And through fasting and praying, I believe this is the word for you and for this nation. The Lord spoke to him and said, “Pursue and go after them and you shall without fail recover all. (1 Sam 30:8) Sir, the word of the Lord, I believe, for this nation and for this administration is “you will recover all. 

In the days ahead, let us feast on these scriptures and prophetic revelation until our very thoughts and expectations have conformed to the word of God. WE SHALL RECOVER ALL! Let’s not only believe these words, but release them as faith-filled decrees over our lives, over President Trump, and over our nation. May believers in other nations also take up the word of prophecy and wage war accordingly. Lastly, may the prophetic promise of Psalm 32 come to life on the lips of God’s people as we bless our president and proclaim this passage like a plumbline over the coming elections:  Behold, a king will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule in justice. Each will be like a hiding place from the wind, a shelter from the storm...” (Is 32:1-2)

072 - A New Generation of Seymours

072 - A New Generation of Seymours