097 - The Apology Now
Letter from the Editor
In 2009, Senator Sam Brownback sponsored a joint resolution to acknowledge and apologize for the United States’ history of mistreating Native Americans. Although that resolution was passed and signed by President Obama, a public apology has yet to be given. I once had a dream in which I heard “a-power-gized” in place of “apologized,” and I knew that when this apology is finally acknowledged publicly it would release power from on high to speed forth a restoration of justice and righteousness in our nation. Today’s Briefing explains the momentum that is currently building toward this end, along with some of the prophetic backdrop that has led to this significant moment. Now you can play a strategic role! Please read and respond with both your prayers and participation at TheApologyNow.com.
-- Cheryl Amabile
In Hebraic thinking, time is not seen as a linear chain of events, but rather as a cyclical movement of history that is centered around God’s relationship with His people. It is understood that the sins of the past, if not atoned for, will revisit subsequent generations. This has proven true in America where bloodshed has begotten bloodshed (see the past Briefing, “A Day of Reckoning.” ) Our halls of history are marred with crimson stains from the massacres of the Native peoples, the atrocities of slavery and racism, and now the mutilated bodies of our children, aborted in the womb.
If not for the cry of mercy resounding from Jesus’ blood poured out at the cross, we would have no hope, no plea, to counter the cry of judgment that rises from our nation’s blood-soaked soil. Yet, through God’s unmerited favor, He has raised up decades of repentance throughout our land to stem the tide of injustice. Intercessors have rallied to abortion clinics and court houses pleading His better blood. Day and night incense has risen from houses of prayer across the nation. Stadiums and fields have been filled with fasting, prayer and reconciliation, that His broken body would once again be whole.
TheCall Nashville in Titan Stadium on 07/07/07
Gratefully, the prayers of intercession and the very blood of the slain Lamb of God ever speak before the Throne as history cycles upward. Today, we have come to the potential culmination of a much needed and long awaited moment of resolve for the Native peoples that stems from prior providential events.
On November 29, 2003, thousands gathered at TheCall Texas in the Cotton Bowl of Dallas, the birthplace of Roe V. Wade. Just before the event, Chris Berglund had a dream in which he saw the headlines of a newspaper which read: “Indians Play Senators at Three Rivers Stadium - A Double-Header.”
We found out after the dream that Dallas was originally known as the “three forks region” because of three major tributaries that converged to become the Trinity River. Also, in a figurative sense, we recognized that God was summoning us to the courtroom of heaven on behalf of the three rivers of blood that have flowed from the Natives, blacks, and abortion, that were also converging there in Dallas.
Then, in the dream, the scene changed and Chris saw another newspaper reporting on the outcome of the games. This time the headlines read: “First Game: Senators Slaughter Indians at Three Rivers. Second Game: Senators Bow Before Indians as Justice Homers in the 11th.”
In reality, more than 1500 wars, attacks, and raids had been authorized by the United States government against the indigenous people of our land. Many women, children and elderly were mercilessly killed along with the men on the banks of rivers such as Sand Creek in Colorado, the Marias River in Montana, and Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota.
But that day in Dallas, during the 12-hour solemn assembly, Sam Brownback, who was at the time a Senator for the state of Kansas, enacted Chris’ dream. Standing in proxy for the government of the United States, he not only repented before God, but he bowed before Chief Jay Swallow of the Cheyenne and Sioux nations. The senator humbly asked forgiveness for hundreds of broken covenants and the senseless slayings of countless thousands of his ancestors.
We realized after the event that this historic moment of recognition and repentance happened on the actual 139th anniversary of the Sand Creek Massacre, where Chief Swallow’s grandmother, as a young child, survived the long day of slaughter by hiding under a pile of wood.
Later, in 2009, Senator Brownback worked with key spiritual and legislative leaders to pass the Apology to the Native Peoples of the United States. The resolution was signed into law by President Obama, but, tragically, it was never publicly recognized—a misstep that amplified the disappointment and distrust among Native Americans. Now is the time to repair that mistake.
“It’s the law of the land, and nobody knows about it.”
–Amb. Sam Brownback
Today, Ambassador Brownback, is partnering with Dr. Negiel Bigpond, a full-blooded Euchee/Yuchi Native American whose family was on the Trail of Tears. Their historic work to create reconciliation between Native peoples and the United States was born through the prayer movement and has reached the highest seats of government in the land. Their efforts demonstrate the power that is found through repentance and forgiveness - the ability to right old wrongs and create new beginnings.
They are now striving to put forth The Apology, a fresh movement that is seeking to complete what the original law aimed to accomplish. The hope is to enable the healing process for our Native brothers and sisters to finally come full circle, after being hindered for far too long. For this reason alone we should seek to redress this wrong. Yet, it would be foolish of us not to realize that the healing of our nation also depends on it.
The Apology will raise public awareness through a three-part film series and grassroots mobilization. The desired goal is to move President Biden and his administration to host a White House Rose Garden ceremony to finally issue a proper apology with appropriate public acknowledgment to the Native peoples. The message to the White House is simple: It’s time for #TheApologyNow.
“To many Native people, an apology not expressed is worse than no apology at all, just another set of meaningless words buried in official treaties and broken promises.”
– Dr. Negiel Bigpond
This initiative is more than 20 years in the making. We know that many of you throughout our movement have been deeply invested in this divine strategy. It is time now to see these prayers fulfilled. The Apology premieres TODAY, August 15th!
Would you please join us now with your prayers and participation? A huge groundswell of support is required if we are to get the attention that’s needed. Here’s what you can do today to help this advance:
Go to TheApologyNow.com and join the email list to show your support for the appeal to the White House.
Watch and share the short film “The Apology: Part 1”
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Help bring healing to the nation when she needs it most.