106 - Remove The Veil
Remove the Veil
“May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of his suffering.”
Quote from the Moravian Missionaries of the 1700’s
Decades ago, while praying in Mott Auditorium at the base of the San Gabriel mountains, God spoke through a dream to Lou Engle about the 40-day fast, calling it “the mountain of the Lord.” This has been rich with meaning for us, as the Lord has met us many times on this mountain and given us keys for spiritual breakthroughs. This year’s 40-day Passover Fast is no exception. The Holy Spirit is building upon past revelations with fresh insights, which are focusing us in on the Lamb at the center of the throne.
Before the fast started, I shared with Lou about an experience I had back in 2011. It was on my first visit to Colorado Springs, before ever imagining we’d eventually live here ourselves. I was helping a friend move. We arrived late in the day, unpacked the car, and went to bed early. The next morning, I ventured out to the back deck where I was stunned to find an unobstructed view of Pikes Peak in all its glory! I sat in its splendor and began to ponder my dreams from the night before. First, I had an audible dream in which I was told “Judge the demons!” My next dream referenced Isaiah 25 verses 7, 8 and 9. There in the shadow of that magnificent mountain, I opened the scriptures and read…
On this mountain He will destroy the covering which is over all peoples,
The veil which is stretched over all nations.
He will swallow up death for all time,
And the Lord God will wipe tears away from all faces,
And He will remove the disgrace of His people from all the earth;
For the LORD has spoken.
And it will be said on that day,
“Behold, this is our God for whom we have waited that He might save us.
This is the LORD for whom we have waited;
Let’s rejoice and be glad in His salvation.”
Lou was struck by the dreams and this scripture. What might they mean for the fast ahead? The next morning, we gathered with our team and Lou asked what the Lord had been speaking. Knowing nothing of our discussion the day before, Chris Berglund shared the following:
Last night I dreamed we were at Mott Auditorium, but there was a part that no one had ever seen before. We went up some stairs and from there we had to climb up a ladder. We entered a library room and there was one book that was higher than all the others. The title of it was: Keys to Praying for the Nations. There was also an old, bearded man seated at an old, wooden desk in the room. He was writing a passage from Isaiah 25, I remember one of the verses was "On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the veil that covers all nations;” (v.7)
Chris reminded us that prior to this dream the Lord had also shown him how Isaiah 25:6 is about the Communion Table... “On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine— the best of meats and the finest of wines.” Isaiah 25:6 Chris explained that the banquet of “aged wine” is referring to Jesus’ blood, and “the best of meats" refers to eating the Lamb, Jesus’ own body.
We also remembered a dream in which we were told “It would honor My body and My blood if you would pray for My Israel each day before the sun sets.” We understood that in this fast, we were to take Communion everyday right up to Passover, when the wine and the lamb are eaten by God’s Jewish people worldwide. Clearly, the Lord was emphasizing to us that the Communion Table was key to praying for Israel and the nations, and for destroying the veil over all peoples.
Early in this Passover Fast, this was reinforced once again. This time, Chris dreamed of a voice saying, "I Am is preparing to answer the disciple’s prayer worldwide, The Great Communion Prayer." Chris was then in a massive theater with a choir that was singing The Lord’s Prayer. The voice continued, saying, “Envelop this with two witnesses.”Somebody in the dream said, “John 17 and Psalm 23.” The voice simply said, “Good.”Chris could see the words of The Lord’s Prayer floating in the air. John 17 and Psalm 23 were also floating in the air and wrapping themselves around the disciples’ prayer like a threefold strand of DNA.
Chris was shown in the dream that “daily bread” and “forgive us our debts” were both referencing the Communion elements. It was revealed to him that forgiveness, because of how it flows from Jesus’ blood, was a direct reference to the wine. Also, Chris had a prior dream of Psalm 23, in which he was shown that the table prepared “in the presence of my enemies” (v.5) was also, in fact, the Communion Table.
These insights into the prevalence of Communion throughout God’s word have astounded us. In addition, our corporate dreams through 2020 and 2021 have also testified to a divine emphasis on Christ’s body and blood. In all, the whispers of a coming Great Communion Blood Revival have now become a roar.
If you are unfamiliar with this remarkable storyline of the Communion Revival, the past three Briefings will fill you in on many of the dreams we’ve received that are foundational to what God is saying to us in this hour:
See The Briefing 068 - The Great Communion Revival
The Briefing 069 - The Unveiling
Click here for the online Communion Service of 4/9/20
The Briefing 080 - The Better Blood
The Briefing 068 - The Great Communion Revival
We invite you to join us, and many around the world, in taking communion daily. Chris Berglund has exhorted us all, saying, "The Lord told us to eat His flesh and drink His blood (John 6:56). When we take the bread and wine of communion, we see ourselves partaking of the finished work of the cross. We are eating the truth of all that Jesus accomplished, while also drinking the fruit of being made righteous. We are partaking of the glorious realities of Romans 6, and so much more. We encourage you to take communion while meditating on the glory of our union with Christ."
We also know that at His death the whole demonic world was divested of power and authority, and the veil between heaven and earth was rent. It is our conviction that when the global ekklesia takes Communion, we are re-enacting and executing the judgment written in the victory of the cross of Christ. As we do so, and release a worldwide cry of “Father forgive them,” the same blood that destroyed the works of the principalities at the cross, is yet exerting its power to fulfill the word of the Lord as prophesied in Isaiah 25:6-9. Through Communion we are judging demons and participating with God as He removes the veil from the eyes of Jews and Gentiles around the globe.
As you partake of His body and His blood, join us in praying three beholds…
1. Behold the Man: Let each of us behold the indwelling Christ. See His love made manifest, His pierced hands and wounded side, by which we are hidden with Christ in God.
2. Behold the Blood: We are directing this prayer towards the Father, as we apply the blood of His Son to the doorposts of our personal and national guilt. Apply it in faith to the families of Israel and nations of the earth, for He shall “see the blood and pass over” (Exodus 12:13).
3. Behold the Lamb: Let’s engage our faith with the word of God in Isaiah 25. As we feast at the table set for us all on the mountain of the Lord, veils are being removed. See it. Believe it. And declare to the nations: “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!”
And it will be said on that day, “Behold, this is our God for whom we have waited that He might save us. This is the LORD for whom we have waited; Let’s rejoice and be glad in His salvation.” Isaiah 25:9
By Cheryl Amabile