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093 - Maranatha

093 - Maranatha


Letter from the Editor 

Whether or not you are fasting with us at this time, I urge you to track with the revelation God is releasing during this focused season of prayer for Israel. The dreams relayed in today’s briefing are like blueprints that can shape our understanding and guide our intercession for years to come. 

- Cheryl Amabile


“The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob.” Romans 11:26-27

Last week, Lou Engle was in Texas launching The Yeshua Fast with our friends at the Upper Room Dallas community of prayer. On the first night of the fast, we received the following dream from their youth leader, Aaron Smith...

As the dream started, I saw Jesus standing in a palace in heaven. He was quietly walking through the palace to get to a room that was apparently very special to Him. As Jesus was making His way to the room, I realized He was being stealthy about it because there were people who didn’t think it was His time. However, Jesus finally got to this room and knelt down in the center on a carpet. I watched Him bow His head as if He was going to pray, but instead, He opened his ears and began hearing the prayers of Christians on the earth. 

Instantly, the dream zoomed into one of the prayers and I saw the Upper Room full of people praying and fasting. I specifically remember everyone praying for Jesus’ return, saying, “You can come! Will you come?” Then the dream zoomed back out and suddenly a group of guards (whom I felt represented angels) filled the room where Jesus was kneeling. They all began to shout with one voice: “YOU CAN GO.” It sounded as if it was the voice of the Father coming through the guards. Then Jesus stood up and, as He did, He and the entire palace were instantly in Jerusalem! Then I woke up.

We believe this powerful, visionary encounter reveals the timing and intent of heaven. It seems we are in the very birth canal of Christ’s return. Yet, before Jesus ultimately comes in the flesh and appears in the clouds, He is coming in the flesh of His Jewish people who will have welcomed Him on earth saying, “Baruch haba b'shem Adonai.” In English, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” (Mt 23:39). 


Yeshua/Jesus, our Jewish king, will soon establish His throne again in Jerusalem. We are invited to actually hasten His coming as we enter into the prayer that Aaron saw in this dream and that the Apostle John experienced in Revelation 22:17, “The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let the one who hears say, "Come!"

In a similar vein, we received another dream from an intercessor last week in Dallas. She dreamed she was with a group of women outside the East Gate of the Old City in Jerusalem. This is the gate through which Jesus will enter the city upon his return. The women were all wearing black shirts and jeans and were doing a synchronized dance in a circle, saying, “Maranatha. Come, Lord Jesus. Maranatha. Come, Lord Jesus.”


The term maranatha is actually an Aramaic phrase meaning “Come Lord.” It’s used once in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 16:22. There are some parallels between this phrase and the Greek phrase in Revelation 22:20, which states, “Even so, come Lord Jesus.” Yet, within the context that Paul used this term, it does not suggest a pleasant outcome for all upon His arrival... 

If anyone does not love the Lord, he is to be accursed. Maranatha! 1 Cor 16:22 

This brings us to a third dream we received recently from Chris Berglund. In his dream, Chris saw “Luke 19:44” on a piece of paper. He knew by revelation that we were living in a similar timeframe as 1944 - 1948. (These years encompassed the climax of the holocaust as well as the political and military struggle leading up to Israel’s statehood.) Also printed on this piece of paper was a strong caution to us to not miss our assignment. Chris knew that our assignment was to pray for the Jews to not miss their day of visitation! 

In Luke 19:44 Jesus prophesied to the inhabitants of Jerusalem in regards to His first coming, saying, “and they will level you to the ground, and throw down your children within you, and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.” May we heed this dream’s caution with all our hearts, and pray for the peace of Jerusalem, which can only be found in the bosom of their Messiah. 

Who knows all that is at stake through our intercession? What if Hannah had not cried out for a child and Samuel was never born? God told Moses his intercession saved the lives of thousands upon thousands. What trouble and suffering might be mitigated or averted as we stand in the gap? The prayers and giving of Cornelius led to the salvation of his entire household, the first Gentile converts. It’s time for the gospel to return from where it started. May we pray as if our own families depended on it, until entire Jewish communities are swept up in a glorious revelation of the Father in the face of His Son.  

This is our invitation, to co-labor with the indwelling Christ in intercession that we might see all the promises of God that are “yes and amen” made manifest on the earth! Therefore, let us boldly cry out for God to come to Zion and visit His people Israel. Let's pray for eyes and ears to be opened, for hardened hearts to be softened, and for a great wave of salvation to come to the sons of Jacob across the earth.

Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus. Come.

094 - Life Itself

094 - Life Itself

092 - 4:18 At Last

092 - 4:18 At Last