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108 - This Year in Jerusalem

108 - This Year in Jerusalem

Letter from the Editor

As we begin both the Sabbath and the first day of Passover, I wish you all Shabbat Shalom and Chag Pesach Sameach! We also recognize the Western Church’s celebration this weekend of Christ’s death and resurrection. These are holy days indeed! The Lord has now carried us through to the culmination of the 40-day Passover Fast with wonder at what He has in store for Jerusalem and the globe. Today’s Briefing will draw you deeper into the revelation behind our expectation. It’s time to feast on Christ’s body and drink His cup of forgiveness as the gates of hell tremble. 

– Cheryl Amabile

This Year in Jerusalem 

“I will execute judgment against all the gods of Egypt...
and when I see the blood, I will pass over you.”  Exodus 12:12-13

Last year during our 40-day Yeshua Fast, thousands from many nations joined us in praying for Israel and releasing the declaration: “Your people will be my people and your God will be my God.” That’s when Lou Engle began to envision another 40-day fast in 2022 where we would focus again on Israel, end in Jerusalem, and celebrate Passover with our Messianic brothers and sisters. As we considered this together, our faith was stirred to believe for a culmination of global prayer that would lead to a mass turning of the Gentile Church towards the Jews. We began to ask the Lord, “What about next year in Jerusalem?” 

This very question was running through Lou’s mind one day while he entered the International House of Prayer in Kansas CIty. A few moments later, he opened the doors to the actual prayer room and was shocked to hear the worship leader on the mic singing, “What about next year in Jerusalem?” At that moment, Lou knew that what he was carrying in his heart regarding Passover in Jerusalem was not just a good idea, it was God. 

It’s important to mention that “next year in Jerusalem” not only described our hope and plan for the end of the 40-day fast in 2022, but it is the hope and prayer of every Jewish person at the end of every Passover Seder. This expression originally began with Jews in the diaspora, who were longing to return to their biblical homeland. Yet, it endures today on the lips of Jews far and wide…

“L'Shana Haba'ah B'Yerushalayim.” 
“Next year in Jerusalem.” 

In uttering this prayer, some are longing for the arrival of the Messiah, others for the rebuilding of the Temple, and still others for a manifestation of world peace. However, the Lord began revealing His longing for “next year in Jerusalem” to be a time and place where He would move mightily on behalf of His people. 

We received another indicator of this prophetic stirring through a powerful dream at the end of the 2021 Yeshua Fast. The dream is mentioned in full in The Breifing 095 - The Fig Tree Has Blossomed, but the crux of the dream is where a Bible was opened to Psalm 102. Lou’s wife pointed to verses 13-17 and said, "Lou is in that passage right now. He’ll understand." As her finger touched the page, a blossoming fig branch and a blossoming vine sprung forth simultaneously out of the Bible. 

Psalm 102:13-17 reads: You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favor to her; the appointed time has come; For her stones are dear to your servants; her very dust moves them to pity. The nations will fear the name of the Lord. All the kings of the earth will revere your glory. For the Lord will rebuild Zion and appear in his glory. He will respond to the prayer of the destitute; he will not despise their plea.

We were immediately struck by this dream and scripture, and we knew the Lord was pointing to a now application of His favor being manifest upon Jerusalem. Also, we understood from the blossoming branches that the Lord is about to release an explosive move of His Spirit among both Jews (the fig tree) and Gentile’s (the olive branch.)

Since receiving this dream, we’ve received an endless stream of prophetic revelation concerning the Lord’s jealousy over our participation in Communion and the necessity of our focus on the blood of the Passover Lamb. It has become so very clear to us that we are to associate this coming move of His Spirit with the Great Communion Blood Revival. 

In February, Lou shared this revelation on a zoom call with a network of prayer leaders in Israel. He prophesied about this coming Passover in Jerusalem and how we believe that God is about to release something in the spirit that will impact Jews worldwide and also the nations. Rick Ridings, Director of Succat Hallel House of Prayer in Jerusalem, was on the call from Dubai. Rick told us that he had recently received a remarkable and confirming word from James Goll.

James had prophesied to Rick and his wife that God wanted to use them in Dubai to touch the Middle East. Unbeknownst to James, they had already planned a gathering there. James then said, “After Dubai, God will bring you back to Jerusalem in time for Passover.” (The country’s borders were still closed when he gave this word.) James continued, saying, “God is about to do something so significant around the time of Passover, that it will hugely change your lives, Israel, and the Middle East!”

Shortly after that zoom call, Israel opened its doors and dropped its vaccine mandates for travelers. The Ridings were able to return to the Land as James Goll had prophesied. Also, just this week, Lou and some of our team traveled to Israel, as planned, and are now on the ground in Jerusalem. Tonight, April 15th, Passover begins and is observed for seven days until sundown on Saturday, April 23rd. Our “next year in Jerusalem” is now upon us!

There is another dream we’ve received that may well point to this very time. In the dream, Chris Berlgund saw a red thread floating through the air. It was a text thread from Lou Engle, which read, “El my Father, my God. El Elyon is going to breach the earth soon - The Great Communion Revival.”

This dream traces back to Genesis 14, where Melchizedek, the King of Salem (i.e. Jerusalem,) is recorded as priest of El Elyon, God Most High. Amazingly, Melchizedek served bread and wine to Abraham as a pre-enactment of Communion. Profound dreams like this, speaking of a Communion Blood Revival, have come more and more frequently through the years, until they have now become the prominent theme of our prophetic revelation. Could this be the time of El Elyon’s breaking in?

As those who have been redeemed by the body and blood of Yeshua, we too are now priests of El Elyon and sons of the Most High God. Therefore, as we eat at His table, let us appropriate His mercy on our cities and nations. Also, by the victory of the cross, let's agree together that this year in Jerusalem veils will be destroyed, and those who walk in darkness will see a great light.   
FOR PRAYER: As you partake in Communion, join us in praying three "Beholds(From The Briefing 106 - Remove the Veil)... 

1. Behold the Man: Let each of us behold the indwelling Christ. See His love made manifest, His pierced hands and wounded side, by which we are hidden with Christ in God. 

2. Behold the Blood: We are directing this prayer towards the Father, as we apply the blood of His Son to the doorposts of our personal and national guilt. Apply it in faith to the families of Israel and nations of the earth, for He shall “see the blood and pass over” (Exodus 12:13). 

3. Behold the Lamb: Lets engage our faith with the word of God in Isaiah 25. As we feast at the table set for us all on the mountain of the Lord, veils are being removed. See it. Believe it. And declare to the nations: “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!”


JOIN US and thousands around the world on Monday, April 18th as Lou Engle, Asher Intrater, David Demian, and others lead us in a live Global Communion Service in Jerusalem.

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