114 - The Passover Love Song
Special Letter From Lou Engle:
I have written this Briefing article with hope in my heart that those who read it may run. This could be the year of a great mercy shown to America, even in our desperate straits. Though I have a database, I have no large intercessory company like The Briefing family, whom I can trust to carry our prophetic mandates. Thank you! I’m urging you to pour out thanks and financial help this month for my friends the Amabile’s who labor through great challenges to carry my heart in this most significant ministry of prayer.
– Lou Engle
The Passover Love Song
By Lou Engle
Dreams call to us from another world, a groaning of God for the new world. Dreams are also, many times, the inward groanings of the human soul, longing and reaching for God to free us from earthly shackles into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. When the groans of heaven and the groans of the human heart touch, powers are shaken and the world awakens to love.
Chuck Pierce prophesied in 2019 - 2020, the coming of a great plague and the beginning of a decade of Passovers. Recently, he shared that Passover 2023 will be very critical for America and the earth. There is no Passover without a pharaoh hardening his heart, and systems of government being confronted. There is no Passover without those in bondage groaning for freedom. There is no Passover without applying the blood of our Firstborn from the Dead.
In early 2020, my son Josiah dreamed that there was going to be a “blockbuster!” In the dream, instead of just speaking a message, we were to show the world the broken body of Jesus. At the time, a small company of us were nearing the end of a 40-day water fast in New England. Because of this dream, we ended our fast on the 40th day with a live Communion Service on zoom. The zoom recording went viral. In times past, King Josiah celebrated the greatest Passover in Israel’s history. Are we not in the days of this coming Great Communion Revival?
On July 3rd in Philadelphia, the city of our national covenant, there will be a great National Communion Service held to proclaim forgiveness over America, even as Jesus, when He shed His blood, cried, “Father forgive them.” We believe that 2023 is a significant time for John 20:23… ”If you forgive anyone’s sins, they will be forgiven.” A blockbuster moment?
In preparation for Passover this year, California is calling a 40-day fast from 2/22/23 to Palm Sunday. I have aligned this year's Jesus Fast along the same dates and I'm calling for state-wide Communion gatherings on Passover, April 5th. We’ll be groaning for, and proclaiming the victory of the blood over the masses who long to be free.
Three dreams have given me courage to pray for this great deliverance. David received a revelation and responded, “You, O Lord of Hosts have revealed this to Your servant… therefore You have given me courage to offer this prayer.” (2 Sam 7:27)
I first dreamed I was walking through a dark city filled with oppression, sin and witchcraft. I was carrying a heavy, almost unbearable, weight. As I came out of the city, I lifted my eyes and saw in the distance a Calvary Chapel church. In an instant, the love of God burst out of that Chapel and exploded in my heart. In the dream, I began weeping convulsively and confessing my sin, while being overwhelmed by love. I awoke knowing there was coming another love song as was sung during the Jesus Movement (of which Calvary Chapel was the flagship.) Friends, it will happen, but we must apply the blood of Calvary.
In a second dream I was in a large, indoor shopping mall. However, I was standing in a wing of the mall that was only for outcasts, and no music could be played there. But I saw a priest across the way, so I stepped out and called to him. He wasn’t dressed like a priest (Jesus our high priest who had no stately form or majesty that we should esteem Him. Isaiah 53:2) but he came to me and I began crying, “You are a good singer. You must sing the song again!” Then, I entered into the deepest travail and groaning I’ve ever known in a dream. In my weeping I cried, “I must hear the melody again! We must hear the melody again!"
Back in the chaos and confusion of the 60’s and 70’s, God heard the groaning of those millions of lives being destroyed in the counterculture drug and sexual revolution. Among others called and anointed, a young man from the wing of the outcasts stepped out of Haight Street in San Francisco and began to release a power and love Jesus revolution that was stronger than the rebellion. His name was Lonnie Frisbee. Thousands came to Jesus under the ministries of Lonnie, Chuck Smith, and Greg Laurie, just to name a few. A music group called Love Song, led by Chuck Girard, wrote the most beautiful music that wooed a broken and searching generation into the loving arms of Jesus. Oh Great High Priest Jesus, You must sing the love song again!
Chuck Smith (left-background) and Lonnie Frisbee (right-background), conducting a mass baptism at the Pirate’s Cove (part of Corona del Mar State Beach.)
My friend had a dream in which he saw frisbees flying up and down the coast of California. He knew that Lonnie Frisbee’s anointing would be coming on many to unleash this Jesus revolution again. Lonnie had a tragic upbringing, suffering under violent child abuse and molestation. But the assault from Hell that came against his life could not stop the furious love of Jesus who encountered him in a canyon near Palm Springs. Frisbee released the presence of God with such power that often people would be knocked down by the Holy Spirit all across the room. Sudden corporate baptisms in the Spirit regularly occurred. It could be argued that his life was the main power initiator of the Calvary Chapel and the Vineyard Movements. Yet, in agonizing soul battles, Lonnie struggled with rejection, bitterness, and same sex attraction, with alleged failings. However, he overcame and the Spirit used him mightily. Frisbee was restored in the end before he died of AIDS at 43. (Please read the trilogy of Lonnie’s life by Roger Sachs.)
In 1989, the prophet Bob Jones had a heavenly encounter with the Lord in which he was shown 100,000 LGBTQ coming to Jesus. He said they became great lovers of God and some of the most devoted intercessors and evangelists. Bob told us this vision is still hanging and waiting for intercessors to lay hold of it. Many in the LGBTQ community are longing for an encounter with God, like Lonnie, and have been outcast from the church.
In the wing of the outcasts are many believers who have been wounded or unwashed of shame. Recently, I dreamed that I was to help the “wounded warriors.” Oh so many in the church are weary, living in days of hope deferred. Pressures of life, Covid, economic woes, divorce and betrayals, and a culture hostile to faith have imprisoned millions in songless, solitary confinement. I can hear the groan in the Wing of The Outcasts, “Let us hear the melody.”
So, on February 22nd, the same day that the 40-day fast begins, a movie called Jesus Revolution will be coming to the big screen! [The movie's pre-release is the 22nd; the public release is the 24th.] This movie is about Frisbee, Chuck Smith, Greg Laurie, Calvary Chapel and the explosive beginnings of the Jesus Movement. God is a brilliant strategist! Could this be the Blockbuster? (“Show them the broken body of Jesus!”) May every eye behold Him. Behold the Lamb of God! His blood rips the veil.
Fast with us in these days (Wednesday Feb 22 - Sunday April 2.) Take communion daily. Apply the blood on the doorposts of our nations, cities, and homes. On Passover, may there be communion gatherings all across America. Then, on July 3rd, gather with us for a National Communion Service in Philadelphia. Let’s pray together that the Singer of Songs sings the love song again.