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127 - Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

127 - Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!


Letter from the Editor

For many years we have referred to our corporate flow of prophetic dreams as the “dreamstream”. However, in recent weeks of fasting and prayer, the dreamstream has become a rushing river! We have much to unpack in the days ahead, starting with this urgent call to intercession. Today’s Briefing lays out a combination of prophetic warnings coupled with revelatory strategies. Also included is a new resource to help establish Communion altars and a 7-day prayer guide by Cindy Jacobs that targets the growing crisis in America and the Middle East. In these sober times, let us be encouraged by God’s ongoing guidance that we might fight the good fight of faith!

Cheryl Amabile


Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Eph 6:10-12


Recently we received a series of dreams about a terrorist threat that needed to be averted. In one of the dreams it was said, “The key phrase is Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!”. Previously, a woman in Chicago had dreamed of a book entitled How to Stop a Bomb Threat. In her dream she asked for the date when the book would be published and a voice answered, “May the 4th be with you.” This, of course, is a play on words from the movie Star Wars. We sensed the Lord marking this date for a cosmic battle in the heavens.

A year ago, Lou met with a leader from Chicago named Weyman Dodson. In the middle of their meal the spirit of prophecy came upon Lou. He suddenly stood at the table and prophesied, “Mayday! Mayday Mayday! There is a disaster that can be thwarted if you hold a Communion gathering in Chicago in May.” 

Weyman tried to arrange for Lou to come to Chicago last May for such a gathering, but it did not work out in their schedules. However, after the recent dreams, plans were immediately made this year for a Great Communion Revival Gathering in Chicago, on May 4th, at Maranatha Church. The recording of this event can be viewed online at Lou Engle's YouTube page.  It is not too late to engage in prayer with the saints of Chicago.


We find at each state Communion service there is a unique storyline and deposit from the Holy Spirit that is beneficial to the rest of the Union. At the same time, there are common intercessory functions that we, as God's priesthood in the earth, must practice in every city, state and nation to disempower the works of darkness in each region. It is crucial for us to apply the blood of Jesus wherever blood has been shed unjustly. Also, when bloodshed is actually allowed by the state, the consequence in the spiritual realm is even more severe. This can occur through abortions, witchcraft rituals, gender reassignment surgeries, euthanasia, etc. The scriptures warn: Since you did not hate bloodshed, bloodshed will pursue you (Ez 35:6). 

Thank God for the “better blood” of Jesus that cries “Mercy!” which triumphs over the demand for judgment that is rising up from the ground where innocent blood has been spilled. As we steward the sacrifice of Jesus’ body and blood corporately in our regions, we are not only countering the works of darkness, we are laying the groundwork for the Kingdom of God to be manifest in our midst.


Not long ago, our team met with local believers near a river in Missouri to take Communion together on behalf of the land. Chris Berglund had a dream that morning in which we put our ears to the ground to listen to what was being said. We were told to prophecy to the “pharaohs” of the region that we, as God’s redeemed sons and daughters, were His “firstborn” (in association with the firstborn Israelites who were “passed over” in Egypt) and we were God’s “princes'' in the land (acknowledging our authority in Christ). The voice went on to say: 

“The Great Communion Revival cannot be stopped! Wherever the blood is honored, the cities will become sheep cities. Wherever it is dishonored, they will become goat cities (or counties) and the only reversal is through the honoring of the blood.”

This dream emphasizes the importance of priesting before the Lord by applying Jesus’ blood, but also prophesying to the demonic realm. Our voices matter! In another dream given to our friend Andrew Whalen, we were in the waters off the east coast of America praying aloud to God, shouting, “Passover us! Passover us!” Our prayers were creating waves that were heading towards shore. Andrew wrote about his dream, explaining:

I wondered how our little voice and our little prayers could generate large enough waves to make any real difference. Suddenly, I saw a massive storm gathering in the heavens and I prophesied, "Our waves will come together with God's Euroclydon." In the dream I interpreted what the Euroclydon was. "The Euroclydon is God's sovereign will, word, and destiny for America." I knew instinctively that our voice was necessary to create waves and that our waves would be supernaturally multiplied, accelerated and enlarged by God's Euroclydon—the storm of His sovereign will for our nation. 

“Euroclydon” is an actual type of storm in the Mediterranean that is mentioned in Acts 27:14. It literally means north-easter. Inspired by this dream and initiated by sovereign connections, the Lord led us to hold two Communion services in the Northeast of the United States last week during Passover. What God did in these gatherings in New Jersey and New Hampshire was extraordinary! Now may His north winds of awakening sweep across the nation and catch us up in this corporate prayer for God to “Passover America!”


The Lord spoke through a dream at the start of the year about God’s people needing to run in the anointing of both Esther and Elijah in 2024. It is becoming increasingly clear why this is so crucial. Significant prophetic warnings which were recently released by Chris Reed, Terry Bennett and Cindy Jacobs are sounding a “Mayday!” alarm across the nation and the globe. 

Elijah presided as a prophet in Israel during a time when the government was infiltrated with demonic ideologies and practices. He restored the altar of the Lord and the nation was gradually purged of its defilement. God has shown us the need to do the same in America through corporate state-wide Communion gatherings and through a grassroots movement of prayer and Communion. We were given a dream where Elijah’s altars were multiplying across the land as Communion tables!

Chris Berglund and our dear friend Leah Ramirez recently developed a resource called to help individuals and churches establish Communion altars in their own lives and families. We encourage you to sign up online if you would like to receive instruction and be part of a growing network of intercessors who are tapping into the power of the Lord’s supper and the Lord’s prayer.

For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,6 being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete. 2 Cor. 10:4-6


We also encourage you to access the 7-day prayer guide that Cindy Jacobs has provided to intercede for the growing crisis in the nations. When God released the trumpet call for an Esther movement of A Million Women to the National Mall this October 12th, we couldn’t have imagined that Israel would be at war and that our universities and city streets would be engulfed in the genocidal rage of Satan against the Jews.

This is a marked time when God is calling for women to arise in the earth, but this Esther's movement is not just for women. The book of Esther has become the playbook for every believer right now in the face of demonic agendas to annihilate the Jewish people and hinder the return of the Lord. As Satan tries to preempt WWIII, let us be those who walk in our co-crucifixion with Christ and fully give ourselves to the revelation He has entrusted to us. In doing so, may we be used of God to turn the tables of history and bring about the greatest mission movement and global harvest that the world has ever seen!


The Briefing 120 - A Root of Mercy

The Briefing 016 - The Middle East and the Billion Soul Harvest

The Briefing 096 - A Holy Conflict

The Briefing 124 - Poison Ivy 

The Briefing 123 - War in Israel

128 - 90 DAYS

128 - 90 DAYS

126 - The Elijah Fast

126 - The Elijah Fast