054 - TheCRY for Canada

“Your battles are our battles!” These are the words of covenant that Faytene Gresseschi spoke to our team in Nashville when she brought a group of young people from Canada to fast and pray with us on 7/7/07…

053 - The Parade of the Nazirites

When God first spoke to us about the nazirites, it was the year 2000 and Lou Engle was preparing for TheCall DC. His son Jesse was thirteen at the time and had heard his father speak about the nazirite vow in Numbers 6…

052 - Four Ruths

Several years ago while Lou Engle and Chris Berglund were in Jerusalem together, Chris had two impactful dreams that are beckoning to us today. In the first dream, he and Lou received a phone call from…

051 - Rockets and Rays of Light

Over the weekend, Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired 700 artillery rockets and mortar shells from the Gaza Strip into populated areas in the south of Israel. Four Israeli civilians have been killed and dozens more…

O50 - A New Generation of Nazirites

During our team’s first night in Jerusalem, we received a dream that we were “praying for the destiny of Israel.” This was an encouraging way to start our 40 days of prayer, but still it left us with a rather large target and a lot of questions…

049 - The Bride in the Middle East

Several months ago, after returning from a focused prayer strike in a Middle Eastern nation, I had an audible dream in which I heard it said, “The Bride is rising up in the Middle East!” This statement has been confirmed recently in a profound way...

048 - The Lost Sheep of Israel

Scripture recounts how Daniel fasted in the 70-year window for the great jailbreak of the Jewish people out of Babylon and back to their homeland. We sense that we are in another 70+ year period since Israel became a nation and the great evangelistic outpouring…

047 - The Battle of Lockett's Farm

History records that 154 years ago, on April 6th, some of the last shots of the Civil War were fired at Lockett’s Farm near Sailor’s Creek in Virginia. By the end of the bloody skirmish, the Union forces had captured 7,700 troops…

O46 - Stonewall to Wailing Wall

In the summer of 2004, we received a dream in which twin tornadoes had come to destroy America. Each tornado had the letters “HA HA” written across it. We knew that the “H” stood for homosexuality and the “A” for abortion. These principalities…

045 - The Youngest and Smallest

We’ve shared a lot recently about Paul Cain's Stadium Vision and the prophecy he received of Luke 4:18 "for Paul and for the world." God has gripped us with a vision of the scroll of Jesus being opened up to this generation like never before in…

044 - The Storm of the Lord

Several years ago, I had a dream in which the Lord was riding in a Zechariah 9 whirlwind that was coming up from the south. It’s name was “Hurry Cain!” For years I pondered the meaning of this dream. Then, while in Florida earlier this month…

042 - Pray Ekballo

 Six years ago in Orlando, Lou Engle first prophesied the coming of The Send. Later, he and a handful of leaders were talking about what they would call the pre-Send rallies. A young woman from Canada spoke up and said, "The name shall be ekballo…

041 - The State of the Union

Several years ago, I had a very sobering dream in which I saw the word “HASTEN”. Each letter was the size of a city building and I sensed the great urgency that came with the meaning of this term. In the dream, I knew that the letters “ST" in the center…

040 - Billy Graham's Platform

Last night at Kingdom Gate Worship Center in Satellite Beach, FL, pastor Ken Malone shared a dream he had in 2015 from which we all can glean. Ken emphasized that this dream was not just for him personally, but has implications for a whole generation of Christians who are willing and…

039 - A Super Bowl for the Church

Today, while millions of Americans are watching the Patriots face off against the Rams in the 2019 NFL Super Bowl, the question remains, “Is there a Super Bowl for the Church?” This is what Lou Engle has been asking the Lord since 1995 when he witnessed…

038 - Mandatory Court Appearance

This week the U.S. Supreme Court was petitioned by two abortion doctors in Louisiana to block a new state law that will otherwise go into effect this coming Monday. The abortionists are asking for an emergency stay while they make an appeal. The Law at issue…

037 - End Abortion / Send Revival

This 22-word prayer has been the heartbeat of the Bound4LIFE movement since 2004 when it was initially penned by Lou Engle. Since then, it has been prayed millions of times by hundreds of thousands of people. This year from February 2nd through…

036 - Command Awakening

The Lord first confirmed to us that we were in a time of awakening during the weeks prior to the Azusa Now gathering in Los Angeles. On the morning of March 29th, 2016, evangelist Michael Koulianos contacted Lou with a dream he had the night before. In his dream, John Paul Jackson approached…

035 - Pray for the President

The Angel of the Lord said: "I have been sent to tell you to warn the Christians to pray for their president. He is in danger of being impeached and removed from office. There are sinister forces working behind the veil on this. Several attorneys, judges, senators, congressmen and even governors are working on it. It is not…