034 - Take Aim

A few weeks ago Chris Berglund dreamed that our prayer company was in the middle of the country shooting specific guns in various directions. He heard a voice in the dream call out to us saying, “TAKE AIM!” As we did, we shot a .22 rifle towards Florida with an alligator in our scope. Then, we turned around…

033 - High Noon Showdown

As we head into these final days before the elections, we have been continually reminded that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities and spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places (Eph 6:12). Recently, we received a report of a high-level occultic attack against President Trump…

032 - The Roots of Corruption 

This morning I woke to the realization that now through the elections is 21 days. The future of America, I believe, is at a toss-up. We will either swing to the right or swing to the leftist ideologies with their pillars of legalized bloodshed and state-sanctioned immorality that…

031 - The Senate Vote

Within the next 48 hours, the U.S. Senate is expected to vote for or against Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. Despite the widespread uproar of debate and supposition surrounding the matter, only 100 legislators (and the Vice President, if needed) have been endued with authority to render this decision…

030 - Hold The Hill

Last year, during the Feast of Tabernacles, Awaken The Dawn gathered thousands on the National Mall to tabernacle with the Lord in tents of worship and prayer from every state of the Union. This culminated with TheCall’s Rise Up gathering which catalyzed the cries of over a million women…

028 - Esther’s Stand in the Court

On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the palace...
So it was, when the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, that she found favor in his sight, and the king held out to Esther…

027 - Esther's Moment Continues

Just before the elections of 2004, Chris Berglund had a dream in which President Ronald Reagan warned President George W. Bush not to make the same mistakes that he had made. We understood the dream to be directing us to intercede that this pro-life President…

026 - The Mercy Seat

About twenty years ago, Lou Engle had a life-defining encounter with the heart of God for this generation. He was invited to speak at a youth church in California when the Lord gave him a word to share at the meeting. God told him, “I’m going to show mercy to the youth of America because…

025 - The Send

There are moments in time, there are seasons of transition, that - if we seize them - will shape the rest of our lives! There was a “today” for a whole generation of Israelites who came to the Jordan and needed to cross over, face giants and enter the Promised Land…

024 - Generational Transfer

During our recent ten days of prayer in Santa Maria, Chris Berglund dreamed that we were on a football field called the Court of Angels. It was 4th down with 18 yards to go and Paul Cain hiked the ball to Lou Engle. Lou immediately handed it off to the youngest and smallest player…

023 - Ten Days for Luke 4:18

From the manger of Bonnie Brae Street, to the tent meetings of a young Billy Graham, to the storefront churches of the Jesus Movement, California has been a historic birthplace of revivals that have swept across the earth. We believe God is doing it again…

022 - 40 Steps East

When Billy Graham died it seemed the whole earth was caught up into a moment of wonder. To many, that moment will pass like a shooting star. But to those who have eyes to see, they will take this wonder and turn it into a mighty work…

021 - Billy Graham's Mantle

Yesterday, February 28th, 2018, the body of Billy Graham lay in repose at the United States Capitol. President Trump spoke in his honor, recounting how this North Carolina farm boy went on to impact the globe, preaching the gospel to more than 200 million…

020 - The Global Fast

Years ago Lou Engle had a defining dream in which the great guns of God were going forward into battle but they were held up and restrained by an old man in an old cart. Suddenly a company of soldiers in an amazing act of spiritual violence expelled the hindrance…

019 - The 2.22 Turnaround

In May of 2017, Chuck Pierce prophesied in Washington, DC that the next 10 months would be filled with turmoil for the nation and for our president. However, Chuck saw that after these 10 months there would be a significant turnaround and we would move into three years of breakthrough…

018 - Reproducing The Kingdom

Earlier this month TheCall gathered with hundreds of intercessors in Columbus and Cincinnati to contend for the fulfillment of Bob Jones' Gulliver Prophecy. As documented in The Briefing 004, Bob saw that the corporate Body of Christ would revive from his slumber…

017 - The Latter Rain

Personally, I feel that I am in the time for which I was born. I’m convinced that we have only a short window in the days of President Trump for the greatest revival and awakening in America’s history. Without it, I see no future for America. We must seize our divine moment…

015 - Sustain The Momentum

Last Monday on October 9th, thousands of women assembled on the National Mall in DC joined by over a million online participants as they took their place before the throne of God. For eight hours of unceasing worship and intercession, young and old of varied ethnic backgrounds…