093 - Maranatha

Last week, Lou Engle was in Texas launching The Yeshua Fast with our friends at the Upper Room Dallas community of prayer. On the first night of the fast, we received the following dream from their youth leader, Aaron Smith...

092 - 4:18 At Last

We are just six days into the Global Yeshua Fast, pressing into the Lord for revelation and intercession for His purposes for Israel. It’s often been these very seasons of intensified consecration and unified focus that have become the highpoints…

091 - The Yeshua Fast Begins

Today, April 14th, 2021, as we start our 40-day Yeshua Fast, we set our faces towards Zion. Not only have we come to Mount Zion, the heavenly city of the living God (Heb 12:22), but we set our faces towards natural Zion, the actual city of Jerusalem, and to the Jewish peoples across the earth whom the Lord loves…

090 - Dangers of the Equality Act

The bill’s government label is H.R.5. It’s misnomer is the “Equality Act.” If passed by the Senate and signed into law, this bill would politicize the treatment of gender dysphoria and institutionalize “transgender medicine” for years to come. Already…

089 - The Global Yeshua Fast

A hallmark of our long-standing prophetic journey of prayer has been the 40-day fast. It has been compared at times to Charles Lindbergh’s long-distance flight across the Atlantic. However, what was once considered a novel endeavor has now…

088 - The Promised Revival

As we wait in hope for a manifestation of God’s justice in America, He has also continued to envision us for a move of His Spirit that will be a tremendous mercy to this generation. I trust you will be encouraged as you read today’s Briefing which reports on multiple prophetic accounts…

087 - His Times and Seasons

Yesterday was Inauguration Day and many, here and abroad, who have fasted and prayed for an alternative ending to these elections are far from satisfied. In times like this, it is especially important for us…

086 - The Keys of the Kingdom

In our last Briefing, we published a dream about needing to change paths to get beyond an obstruction and make it all the way to the top of a hill. We wondered if the Texas lawsuit might have been the road that would get us up the hill. When the Supreme Court…

085 - War In the Heavens

Rather than addressing one topic, today’s Briefing shares multiple prophetic dreams that help to instruct our intercession during this 21-day fast. If you're just jumping on board now, I encourage you to see our last Briefing…

084 - 21-Day Daniel Fast

All year long we have been dreaming about Daniel whose life of consecration and intercession is, we believe, a prototype for this end-time generation. Several of these key dreams have been published in previous Briefings, but their significance is pressing upon us now…

083 - The Battleground States

This past week Lou Engle participated in Cindy Jacobs’ annual roundtable and the Global Prophetic Summit in Dallas, Texas. There he received a dream from a prophetic man named Clay Nash who has partnered closely with Dutch Sheets. In the dream…

082 - Stand Firm

The elections may be over, but clearly the battle rages on. It’s important that we stand firm in what we know to be the Lord’s will and continue to advance His purpose with prayers and decrees. The battle is far beyond the contention of conservative vs. liberal voters in America. It’s about…


With three days to the elections and witchcraft at its peak, it’s important for the Body of Christ to take our battle positions. Many will be engaged in an Esther fast of no food and no water Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Others will start on Sunday and run through Tuesday. Even if you are…

080 - The Better Blood

As the final days before the elections draw to a close, let us not be those who are shaken by what we hear on TV or read on the internet. It is of great importance, especially at times like these, that we hold onto the revelation…

079 - Jehu's Chariot

“There is something going on in the heavens where God is trying to shift regimes, to tear down the altars of Baal, the sex trafficking, the legalization of sexual insanity and the ending of abortion. A judicial interposition from God where He…

077 - Four Focuses

Today’s Briefing is a condensed summary of our main focuses in prayer between now and the elections. We are convinced that this extended company of intercession is crucial to the turning of America…

Special Edition - A Day of Reckoning

Through The Briefing, we usually publish strategic prophetic dreams that bring insight to the times in which we live and how we must pray. This Special Edition Briefing does just that and more. In light of the present crisis…

075 - Pray on MLK

When Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel joined Dr. Martin Luther King in 1965’s march from Selma to Montgomery, he was asked upon his return if they had…