069 - The Unveiling

Until a few days ago, we were planning to break our fast with Communion on Thursday evening, like everyone else, in the solitude of our little Airbnb where we’ve been quarantined (in the truest sense of the word) together. Then, we received the following dream…

067 - Esther Fast Day 3

Today is the third day of the Esther Fast. Thousands have been joining, humbling themselves, and consecrating their lives to God. And now, on this third day, we, like Esther, will…

064 - The Art of War

We’re now just a few days into our global fast, having joined with tens of thousands around the earth. Our Briefing team has hunkered down for forty days in Massachusetts, many fasting on water, as we take our stand…

062 - For Zion's Sake

Over the years, we have learned that though every nation has many issues of the day, they are not all equal in God’s eyes. When it comes to the raising up of kings and the bringing down of others, we must know the priorities…

057 - O CANADA

The nation of Canada has come to a moment of decision that will affect the globe. On October 21, 2019, in their upcoming federal elections, Canadians will cast their votes for…

055 - 2020 VISION

A few years ago Chris Berglund had a dream that we were stewarding a total of 22 mandates. Since prophetic dreams are often symbolic, we have been unsure whether the number 22 was literal…