113 - A Time For Judgement

The beginnings of a matter are important. Legalized abortion began in Colorado. The initial piece of legislation that decriminalized abortion, was signed into law in the spring of 1967…

112 - 21-Gun Salute

One night several weeks ago, Lou Engle couldn’t sleep. After pacing and praying for about three hours, he felt a release to go back to bed. When Lou finally fell asleep…

108 - This Year in Jerusalem

Last year during our 40-day Yeshua Fast, thousands from many nations joined us in praying for Israel and releasing the declaration: “Your people will be my people and your God will be my God.” That’s when…

106 - Remove The Veil

Decades ago, while praying in Mott Auditorium at the base of the San Gabriel mountains, God spoke through a dream to Lou Engle about the 40-day fast, calling it “the mountain of the Lord.” This has been…

105 - Esther NOW

Presently, amidst war in Eastern Europe and massive global shakings, the nation of Israel is facing an existential threat that demands our attention…

099 - The Kangaroo Court

Last week, in the home stretch of our 21-day fast, the U.S. Supreme Court set a date to hear the Dobbs case on Mississippi’s abortion ban. At the same time, a prophetic swirl from over fifteen years ago came rushing back to the forefront…

098 - The Right Side of Roe

As early as October of this year, the U.S. Supreme Court will weigh in on a Mississippi abortion ban in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case. This is the most significant challenge to Roe v. Wade in…

097 - The Apology Now

In 2009, Senator Sam Brownback sponsored a joint resolution to acknowledge and apologize for the United States’ history of mistreating Native Americans. Although that resolution…

096 - A Holy Conflict

The term “holy war” has been attributed to various military escapades throughout history, most of which were anything but holy. Today’s Briefing, however, addresses a battle that is taking place…

095 - The Fig Tree Has Blossomed

Our first ever 40-day Yeshua Fast concluded last weekend in Kansas City with a profound set of dreams that have established us in faith for ongoing intercession for Israel. Today’s briefing is part one of a two-part…